Comment on a Wiki

On this page:

To create a comment on a wiki page
To view a comment on a wiki page
To edit a comment on a wiki page
To delete a comment from a wiki page

To create a comment in a wiki page:

  1. Go to the My Page tab
  2. Locate the Writing Tools area
  3. Select the Wikis icon
  4. Accessing Your Wikis

  5. Choose the wiki you wish to post your comment in from the available list
  6. Navigate to the page you wish to comment on by clicking the Related Pages section of the navigation menu and choosing the appropriate page
  7. Choose the Comments on this Page section of the navigation menu
  8. Click the Create a Comment link
  9. Creating a Comment

  10. Post your comment
  11. Click the Save button below the editing window to save your comment or Close at the top or bottom of the window to cancel the posting of the comment
  12. Creating a Comment

A pop-up window will appear which includes all the previous wiki comments, including the new one you just created.

  1. Click the Close Window button when finished

  2. All Comments

To view the comments on a wiki page:

  1. Click the View Comments link

  2. Viewing Comments

    A pop-up window will appear that displays all comments made to this wiki page along with the commenters' names and email addresses, time and the date the comment was created, and when it was last updated.

    Viewing Comments

  1. Click the Close Window button when finished

To edit the comments on a wiki page:

Note: You must be the creator of a comment in order to edit it.

  1. Click the View Comments link

  2. Click the Edit link
  3. Update the comment text
  4. Click the Save button below the editing window to save your comment or Close at the top or bottom of the window to cancel the editing of the comment
  5. Editing Comments

To delete a comment on a wiki page:

  1. Click the View Comments link

  2. Deleting Comments

  3. Click the Delete link below the comment
  4. Deleting Comments

A pop-up window will open that asks the question Do you want to delete this Comment?

  1. Click the Delete button at the bottom of the page if you wish to delete the comment or click Cancel to close the window

  2. Deleting Comments