Delete and Undelete Wiki Pages

On this page:

To delete a wiki page
To undelete a wiki page

To delete a wiki page:

  1. Go to the My Page tab
  2. Locate the Writing Tools area
  3. Select the Wikis icon
  4. Accessing Your Wikis

  5. Choose the wiki that has the page you wish to modify
  6. Go to the page you wish to delete
  7. Click on the Manage section of the navigation menu
  8. Click the Manage Page link
  9. managing a Page

  10. Choose the Advanced Options tab
  11. The Advanced Options Tab

  12. Click on the Delete this Page link under the Delete and Undelete section
  13. Deleting a Page

A pop-up window will open that asks the question Do you want to delete this page?

  1. Click the Delete button to delete the page or click Cancel to keep the page
  2. Delete Confirmation

To undelete a page:

  1. Click on the Manage Wiki/Manage Page section of the navigation menu

  2. Choose the Advanced Options tab
  3. Click the View Deleted Pages link under the Delete and Undelete section
  4. Viewing Deleted Pages

A pop-up window will open and display all the pages previously deleted from the wiki, if there are any.

  1. Click on the title link of the page you want to undelete
  2. Deleted Pages

A pop-up window will open and show you the content of the deleted page.

  1. Click the Undelete this Page button to restore the page and add a link to it on the main wiki page or click Close this Window to keep the page deleted
  2. Undeleting a Page