Edit Wiki Info & Main Page Text

On this page:

To edit the wiki's title and description
To edit the content of a wiki page

To edit the title and description of a wiki:

  1. Go to the My Page tab
  2. Locate the Writing Tools area
  3. Select the Wikis icon
  4. Accessing Your Wikis

  5. Choose the wiki you wish to customize from the available list
  6. Select Manage from the navigation menu options
  7. Click the Manage Wiki link
  8. Managing a Wiki

  9. Choose the Wiki Info tab
  10. The Wiki Info Tab

  11. Update the wiki title and description

To edit the content of a wiki page:

  1. Click the Page Content tab
  2. Click the Edit Page Content button
  3. The Page Content Tab

  4. Update the main page text
  5. Click the Update button at the bottom of the page when you are finished
  6. Editing a Page